Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Braidtastic Week: Simple Three Strand Braid

1) Begin with neatly combed hair. There are few things more aggravating than snarly hair.

2) Separate your hair into 3 equal strands and hold them apart with your fingers.

3) Cross the far right strand over the middle strand. This is the new center strand, and the center strand is the new far right strand.

4) Cross the far left strand over the center strand. This is the new center strand, and the center strand is the new far left strand.

5) Continue in this manner (alternately crossing the far right and far left strands over the center strands) until you reach the desired length.

6) Tie off the braid with a ponytail holder, small rubber hair bands, ribbons, or whatever you wish.
This skill is the basis for many different hair styles.   Experiment by making two equal-sized braids,  making two small braids on either side of your head and gathering them together at the center of your head, coiling the braid into a bun, etc. Be creative!

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